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The secret to successful singing practice is not having to figure it all out on your own. Join the following for tips and discussions on everything singing and performance.

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Sing everything with Complete Vocal Technique. The course CVT Training’ is designed for singers seeking tools for vocal versatility and freedom while remaining respectful of their unique sound and style.

More information. 

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 Book your regular singing classes or private course. Your repertoire is the starting point in exploring vocal techniques, storytelling, and style.

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Do you want to build up a great-sounding core repertoire that you can take to the stage with confidence? In the monthly workshops, you will explore your repertoire from different angles to truly make it your own.

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Vocal Coaching Karoliina KorpijaakkoHello!

I’m Karoliina, the vocal coach behind Vocally. I love to work with singers and performers who are looking to explore and expand their vocal and performance potential.

I work with brain-based practices and vocal techniques that help you get the sound you want, always with respect to your unique style. I also train the body-mind connection in a concrete and actionable way, so you can tap into your creative source and inner performer. This combination will have you grow in skill and confidence, and also support your general well-being as a singer and performer.

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