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Private lessons at Vocally are ideal for singers working towards specific goals. The lessons are tailored to your specific needs, whether it is about getting back in vocal shape, preparing for studio production or a gig.

Your repertoire is the starting point for exploring vocal technique, musicality, and presentation. This way the lessons will always align with your wishes and uniqueness.



  • Drop-in lesson (1-2 persons) 50 min:  € 69
  • Private half-year course (1-2 persons)  for 8 lessons of 50 minutes: € 472



  • Mail to karoliina@vocally.nl

My personal coaching programs are perfect for:

  • Aspiring singers that want to explore their vocal potential 
  • Vocalists that are working towards specific goals (project, gig, studio, audition or study to name a few examples)
  • Vocalists that want to brush up their vocal technique or need to meet specific technical requirements or sound design
  • Chaotic singers that want to get focused and organized
  • Singers with technical obstacles or voice problems, such as loss of range, vocal fatigue, and getting hoarse
  • Performers that want to grow their stage-confidence and presence

I am an authorized CVT-teacher and experienced in helping singers to master their craft and develop technical proficiency. I have also followed training in High-Performance to help performers develop a strong sense of presence and be at their best when it matters the most. Examples of my clients include:

  • Contemporary singers looking for healthy belting techniques
  • Classical singers perfecting their technique for sound consistency and projection
  • Vocalists in transition that want to sing new repertoire in a new style (opera to pop, rock to MT)
  • Vocalists aspiring to become cross-over singers and that are interested in vocal versatility
  • Performers refining their sound and building great-sounding showcases

Why I decided to do personal vocal coaching just a bit differently

Hello! I am Karoliina, singer and vocal coach, and I am passionate about helping singers to make the most of their singing practice so they can grow to be the communicators and performers they know themselves to be.

Back in the day, my frustrations as a singer led me to study the voice. But I soon found out that I could not find all the solutions in any singing method alone. This led me to look outside the voice-world.

The first thing I discovered was that the quality of your practice is equal to your progress. I had studied the voice for years, but when I started to study how to practice and apply it in my own singing, things just took off. I was integrating new skills at the speed of a download, and that’s how I really got interested in ‘super-learning’.

A second eye-opener for me was that the real learning happens in between the voice lessons when you usually don’t have your voice teacher around. Just imagine the speed you’d go if you had someone to give you feedback so you could optimize your practice in those moments? That’s why I decided to do things a bit differently and use the technology of today so you can bring me home with you (I do love to meet my singers in off-line as well!).

My programs are all about helping singers to rock their singing practice so they can thrive, grow, and succeed. Read my full bio. 

If there’s nothing you would like to change about your singing and you enjoy things as they are, then that’s awesome!

But, if you feel like something’s holding you back, imagine what working with an enthusiast and personal vocal coach could mean for you…

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