Hello! I am Karoliina, singer, voice teacher and vocal coach, and I am passionate about helping singers to make the most of their singing practice so they can thrive, grow, and become the powerful performers and communicators the world needs today.
"...I wanted to sound great. But most of all, I wanted to be able to sing with confidence..."
Back in the day, my frustrations as a singer led me to study the voice. But I soon found out that I could not find all the solutions in any singing method alone. After all, just knowing how to use the voice isn't all there is to singing. I didn't just want to sound good, I wanted to sound great. But most of all, I wanted to be able to sing with great presence and confidence.
This led me to look outside the voice-world. While engaging in my personal development, I found out that our inner and external circumstances make all the difference for both how we learn and how we are on stage, and whether we do it with “ease” or “freeze”. My programs are all about helping singers to get out of that 'freeze' so they can thrive, and grow to be the communicators and performers they know themselves to be.
Like so many times, my teaching journey has coincided with my personal adventure as a singer and performer. So, I would like you to get to know me a little bit.
"...I knew inside I was meant to sing and perform.."
I have been living in the Netherlands since 2004, but I'm originally from the beautiful Scandinavian country Finland. My dad was a musician and so I fell in love with music and singing early in life. I remember listening to my dad play the piano and sing songs of Nat King Cole and Frank Sinatra and knowing inside that I was meant to sing and perform too. While I was growing up, I did nothing else, performing for whoever would listen.
"...Sometimes the notes would come out just right. Other times not..."
During my adolescence, however, things changed and I started to feel insecure about my voice and anxious about performing. Technically I lacked awareness and consistency in my voice. As a result, sometimes the notes would come out just right. Other times not. I kept telling myself I would eventually grow over my insecurities.
"I could finally sound like I wanted to and do it consistently!"
Meanwhile, I kept performing. In 2010 I discovered Complete Vocal Technique. CVT for short, this modern science-based singing method completely transformed my singing. As a result, I could finally sound like I wanted to and do it consistently! Struck by its effectiveness, I started the 3-year Singing Teacher diploma course at the Complete Vocal Institute in Copenhagen. Fast track to 2018, I became an authorized CVT-teacher helping other singers as a vocal coach to unravel their vocal potential. Since then, I also followed training in other methods such as Estill Voice Training, speech pathology methods, and later on high-performance psychology Acceptance and Commitment Training (ACT), to name a few.
"...I started looking outside the voice-world..."
Unfortunately, having a diploma in technical proficiency did not take away my feelings of insecurity. In fact, by this time I had developed a bad case of performance anxiety, and to be honest, I wasn't as good as I knew I could be. I was a quick learner and a dedicated student. So why didn’t my qualities help me forward with the one thing I loved the most? There was something else holding me back, and I realized I would not find the answers in any singing method. That's when I started looking outside the voice-world. While engaging in my personal development, I found out how both our inner and external circumstances make all the difference for our performance both in learning and on stage. It was in the realms of mental training, somatic work at a deep nervous system level, and neuroplastic learning, where I discovered how to become confident, connected, and powerfully present.
"...Helping singers to free their voice and become powerfully present performers..."
My vocal and performance journey continues, and alongside my own adventure, as a vocal coach, I am dedicated to bringing other singers and performers knowledge and cutting-edge tools to help them move forward in their personal and vocal growth.
Yours Vocally, Karoliina